Primo News: Webinar Recording – What’s New with Primo

This week’s What’s New with Primo webinar is available to be viewed as a YouTube video, WebEx recording, and PDF. This information is also posted on a Knowledge Center Primo webinar page along with other sessions we’ve conducted. Here is the outline for the 41-minute session: Introduction (0:00) Show Loading Indication before Alma Get It/View It (2:53) Recent Search SuggestionsRead More…

Primo News: Upcoming Webinars and Go VE Survey Reminder

This is just a reminder of some Primo activities happening over the next two weeks. We have four “Become an Expert” webinars to help increase your awareness and understanding of the Go VE process and Primo VE. In addition to the webinars, we have the Primo Go VE survey deadline coming up this Friday, January 29, to gather feedback from you. Upcoming Webinars Below is the schedule over thRead More…

Primo News: Primo February 2021 Release Highlights [from Ex Libris]

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to share the highlights of the 2021 Primo February release. It was rolled out starting January 24 to Primo cloud customers and then will available four weeks later to customers with a local Primo installation. Beyond the information contained in the release notes and what’s noted below, the recent What’s New with Primo webinar highlights several of these iRead More…