Primo 2021 Enhancement Submissions – closing 13th February


ELUNA Institutional submissions for the ELUNA Primo 2021 enhancements round will close on the 13th February (see full timeline below).

Below, please find the schedule for this year’s process:

When What
February 13, 2021 Last chance to submit new enhancement requests for this year’s voting in NERS
February 14 – March 27 The Primo Enhancements Team* reviews, dedupes, scopes, verifies, transfers to Alma NERS when necessary, and sets up the vote
March 28 – April 10 First round of voting
April 11 – April 15 The Enhancements Team reviews the results, and prepares them for Ex Libris to assign complexity points.
April 17 – June 12 Ex Libris adds complexity points to the top voted results. The Enhancements Team determines if a second round of voting is needed
June 13 – June 26 If necessary, a second round of voting takes place
And then? The NERS agreement states that Ex Libris will develop the accepted enhancements within one year, customarily from September


*The Primo Enhancements Team consists of members of the ELUNA and IGeLU Primo Working Groups.